Campaign Survey

Some one running for Mayor of Methuen is spending money and getting no results. This occured about 2-2:15 today.

I answered the phone and was greeted by a person who had an accent. I could not place what type of accent,  it was thick enough to recognize as belonging to someone whose native language was not English or Americanise.

They asked, “ Are you  aware that on the ballot next week in the election there will be two names running for Mayor Mr. Al Dinuccio and Mr. William Manzi?”

When I paused to wait for the question I thought was coming, being,

“Which candidate do you support?”

I was suprised to hear the following question instead.

“Is that Okay with you?”

I began to laugh and said “Why, yes, that is okay with me.”

I heard a polite , Thank you, and the line went dead.

If this was a survey to determine support, don’t bet the farm on the results.

I can only hope that neither candidate is spending their campaign funds on such a non-scientific survey.

 Almost as accurate as the Methuen website polls; Remind me to tell you how to skew the results on that site in a future blog.

What is the single most important quality in a candidate for local office?



I guess I should be questioning a poll which appears to be so politically motivated appearing on the City website. 

 I do, but;

I saw a little LISTEN button just above the poll and couldn’t believe when I clicked on the award winning site that it told me in a computer generated voice, ” Welcome to Meth You NN”.

The voice could not pronounce the name of our City. More good money wasted. Maybe we should all call City Hall on Monday and ask to speak to the Mayor of Meth You NN.

admin posted at 2009-10-24 Category: Uncategorized

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