Sometimes you do the work

Here are some articles worth reading or sites worth visiting.
If you read or visit, please come back and leave a comment.

Did you find them interesting or not.

I’ll post all comments that are pro or con for opinions.

The new issue of Business Week came out. 

The GDP Mirage

Here’s a riddle: If a scientist or engineer is laid off, does it affect gross domestic product?
By overlooking cuts in research and development, product design, and worker training, GDP is greatly overstating the economy’s strength.

Some new initiatives in California. Seems most progressive movements start out west. Not all are worth emulating.

Someone asked if their are equivalent movements in Massachusetts. If you know of any, send a link and I’ll post it.
CA Forward ; California Forward.
We’ve come together to reclaim our power as citizens and make our government work again.
Our goal is fundamental change: government that’s small enough to listen, big enough to tackle real problems, smart enough to spend our money wisely in good times and bad, and honest enough to be held accountable for results.

Call for a California Constitutional convention.
Repair California, Sponsored by the Bay Area Council

Wasn’t our last Constitutional convention in 2007?

If you have sites that are informative, let me know and I’ll add them in periodically to share with other readers.

admin posted at 2009-10-30 Category: Uncategorized

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