Immigration ?Policy?

I was reading about immigration in the Lawrence Eagle Tribune. The article was written by an AP (Associated Press) writer. It is not on-line at the Tribune site but is at the Boston Herald. I noticed that there are all types of advocacy groups.

I began to find links to these groups and will provide them here.
Now you can review the groups site and get a better idea about issues affecting immigration.

An informed public is always the best course of action.
Massachusetts is home to around 1 million foreign-born residents, or 14 percent of the state’s population.
Here are some links;
Massachusetts Immigrants & Refugee Advocacy Coalition

Chelsea Collaborative

Berkshire Immigrant Center

Federation of American Immigration Reform, or FAIR

Massachusetts Coalition for Immigration Reform

There is a bill before the U.S. Congress dealing with Immigration reform.
The proposal seeks to legalize undocumented immigrants by requiring them to learn English, register with the federal government, pay a $500 fine for each adult, pass background checks and meet other requirements
It is called the Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America’s Security and Prosperity (CIR ASAP) Act of 2009 (H.R. 4321).
Lots of reading but can be viewed at; Text of H.R. 4321: CIR ASAP Act of 2009.

I am adding the following because women are a large group of immigrants and underserved. The article mentions this program and a quote from Carol Hardy-Fanta, director is included.
Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy, John W. McCormack Graduate School of Policy Studies, University of Massachusetts Boston.

Keep an open mind.

Should we provide in state tuition and driver licenses for undocumented immigrants?

admin posted at 2010-1-24 Category: Uncategorized

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