The City maintains a Talent Bank. If you have any special talents and wish to share your ability with the City, you can apply for an unpaid position. The City website states; We are always searching for talented individuals interested in serving on Methuen’s Boards and Commissions. Please fill out the Talent Bank Application below […]
Here is some interesting reading. In the current edition of Bloomberg Bussinessweek can be found the following article; Funny, It Doesn’t Feel Like a RecoveryThe recession may be technically over, but stubborn unemployment and building price pressure mean that many consumers will remain gloomy If you have an interest in the Misery Index this link […]
Little things set a tone. Here is the Mission Statement for the Methuen City council. We should start with what is a mission statement and what should be in such a statement. Here is a quick synopsis; A mission statement is a short written statement for the purpose of a company or organization. Ideally, a mission […]
Elections are not the only way that change can occur in a City. The Massachusetts State Constitution allows for citizen participation. The Charter of the City of Methuen allows for citizen participation. I am looking for 150 persons who are willing to discuss changes to our Municipal Code. We will hone new law and sign […]
I always begin a new legislative session with high hopes that some of the offenses of the previous legislatures will be corrected. I saw the new Council Chair, pass the gavel, as required, to present legislation which he sponsored. This was not a suprise. That came when the Vice-Chair did not take the gavel and failed to […]
I ran across this article in a legal website. There were disclaimers, of course. Maybe this is one of the items that should be included in a pre-hire process for Public safety employees, police and fire. It could remove some of the nepotism claims bantered about. If we keep the results focused on trainability and retainability […]
Inaugurations of Mayor Manzi and rest of that city’s newly elected leaders Monday, January 4th, 2009 at 7 p.m. in the Great Hall in City Hall. The event is free and open to all. Reception to immediately follow refreshments to be served. The above notice was found on Methuen Commons. Very little in the Eagle […]
Heard on the news this morning about snow removal costs and creating a lottery ticket to make up differences. NewsCenter 5 surveyed several cities and towns about their expenditures for snow removal the winter 2007-2008. I gleaned the following data from the article on their website entitled; City & Town Snow Budgets; Most Towns Are […]
I want to express my wish that all residents of the City of Methuen will have a great year in 2010. This will be a difficult wish to fulfill. A very challenging year ahead. Bless all the citizens. Peace, health and prosperity to all.