Again we have had rain. Lot’s of rain. In fact the rain guage at the USGS station nearest to Methuen showed about 3.5 inches of rain in the past 4 days. The Spicket River rose. I have found, by watching the guages, for the last few years that a simple seat-of-the-pants rule can be derived. […]
The question was , What are Merit Principles? The United States Office of Personnel Management defines them as; SECTION 2301, TITLE 5, UNITED STATES CODE ——————————————————————————– § 2301. Merit system principles (b) Federal personnel management should be implemented consistent with the following merit system principles: (1) Recruitment should be from qualified individuals from appropriate sources […]
The Civil Service commission held hearings in Methuen about this issue. Last night at the City Council meeting it was noted that a decision has been rendered by the Commission. That decision can be read in it’s entirety here. The bottom line is the Old list-2006- will be reinstated. The City can select 15 candidates […]
The media has today reported that Governor Patrick claims 14,000 new jobs have been created from the so-called stimulus package. This is reported at the same time that the unemployement rate ,again, increased in Massachusetts, to 9.1%. The bottom line is that Job creation, real job creation, long term job creation is lagging sorely behind […]
I receive, just as you do, lots of emails that are chain-letter types. I do not support chain letters and they all end with me. However, I read them to see what they are about and sometimes I check into them for friends who send them to me. I use to check veracity. They […]
Found this section of the Mass DEP website. They list Orders and Consent Decrees issued during a year. I sorted, using the Find function, by Methuen and this came up for last year , 2009. 2/18/09: MassDEP issued a Unilateral Order and $14,000 Penalty Assessment Notice to Kim’s Cleaners for Hazardous Waste and Air Quality […]
The United States Supreme Court, without the use of stem cells has created a new person. What science has been unable to do and what so many have feared, since Mary Shelley,and Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus has come into existence. Starbucks, Sears, Roebuck and Comcast or Verizon are now people. They have the right […]
I was reading about immigration in the Lawrence Eagle Tribune. The article was written by an AP (Associated Press) writer. It is not on-line at the Tribune site but is at the Boston Herald. I noticed that there are all types of advocacy groups. I began to find links to these groups and will provide […]
In order for a municipality to succeed in “containing” it’s rising health care costs, it must take a holistic approach to it’s employees. This does not mean offering a smorgasboard of services but offering services and incentives to the employee and their family members. Business Week recently published an article about how Human Resource departments, […]
As seen on the Dr. Phil show. Go to this website and “Take the test” What animal are you? Interesting results. Great conversation starter.