The Change Management Supermodel
I must be clear. This was not my post.
The original can be found here. NOOP.NL
Designers will find that most organizations can be considerably improved just within the context of the bounded design. This is because the barriers to change are usually in the decision-makers’ own minds and in the organization itself.
– Michael P. Jackson, Systems Thinking
Jurgen Appelo calls it Change Management 3.0 supermodel. because it wraps around a few smaller well-known models for change that each address one of the four aspects of change management listed here:
1. Adapt to the System (using the PDCA model)
I am well acquainted with the PDCA cycle. It is used in High Tech around the world.
Plan, Do, Check, Act.
2. Lead the People (using the ADKAR model)
Prosci’s ADKAR Model is an individual change management model. The name “ADKAR” is an acronym based on the five building blocks:
A Awareness of the need for change
D Desire to participate and support the change
K Knowledge on how to change
A Ability to implement required skills and behaviors
R Reinforcement to sustain the change
3. Work the Network (using the Adoption Curve model)
Based on Rogers model for the adoption and diffusion of innovations.
4. Change the Environment (using the 5 I’s model)
4 I’s listed below;could not find 5th I and article reference is not freely available.
(Note:Update: 5I Model —as of 1/1/2013)
1. Institution–create trust to accept common rules
2. Information–increase understanding of the situation
3. Identity–increase social belonging across teams
4. Incentives–address the need to improve oneself
Once you understand the supermodel you will be in a perfect position to try and “make†people better disciplined.
It is a shame that City Government cannot use tools from academia and industry to reinvent itself into the efficient tool it was meant to be.
The Methuen School System toutes it’s use of (see chart ) PIM methodology (Performance Improvement Mapping ) for continuous improvement but is unable to teach the City side how to rationally approach a problem, define the solution space and choose an optimum position based on data.
What a vastly different world it would be if this were adopted and used frequently to make the improvements that we wish for but never see.