From the SUMMARY OF METHUEN’S FY 2009 CDBG PROGRAM, at the bottom of page 1 of 2, I read. Code Enforcement – $72,672.00 The Code Enforcement Officer is now full time and will prepare and maintain inspection reports and field records with photos documenting conditions, enforcement action and corrective follow-up. The following objectives outline the direction, […]
Seems like a small item but it isn’t. Have you ever looked at the City Council web page. Â The first thing you notice is the pictures of the Chair and Vice-Chair. No other Councilor has their picture on the “home” page. You can click on the “links” lower on the page, links to Councilor at […]
I attend the budget meetings each year. This year was no exception. I saw no new Capital improvement plan as required by Section 5-3 Capital Improvement Program of the HOME RULE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF METHUEN . (Remember the document that actually sets up our government). The old plan, City of Methuen Five Year […]
I’ve noted that the Great Hall of the Searles Building is wired for the television broadcast. There are multiple camera locations (4, I believe). Each table has a microphone and the podium, for public speaking, has a microphone. Watch, before a Council meeting, (you must actually attend a meeting to see this, as it is […]
I have a question about how the local government spends our money. [Many questions-but I'll only discuss one at a time.] I understand that we, as citizens and voters, elect both a School Committee and a City Council. The City Council is controlled by Charter, code and state law. They have the responsibility to oversee […]
This issue keeps coming up in forums, debates and especially in news reports about the Police and Fire Department Hiring practices. The City of Methuen has adopted a Veteran preference. Looking at the City website there are numerous links that allow one to click through and see the resolution. here is the link from the Home […]