Archive for the ‘Police’ Category

Quinn the Mighty… (2012-6-3)

The Supreme Judicial Court has issued an opinion. Not this week, but back in March of this year. Oh, you hadn’t heard. No doubt with Unions negotiating with the City we have not heard a peep about it. Headlines read: QUINN BILL – BAD NEWS FOR MASSACHUSETTS POLICE. Not a sound in the Eagle Tribune […]

Arbitrator gives back vehicles (2012-6-3)

You may have missed this in the press. Also note that the Mayor never mentioned that his Executive Order was overturned. Executive Order NO. 013-2008; Executive Order NO. 019-2009 Reported in Labor news throughout America. Don’t you think it might be important to know in Methuen? Copied from here [] “Arbitrator Orders Massachusetts City To […]

?Secure? Community (2011-9-27)

According to a report in the Boston Herald on Tuesday, September 27th, Deval Patrick, our Governor, is quoted as saying,”We already send all the fingerprints we gather to the federal government. ” If this is true, and I have no reason to dispute that, my question becomes if the State of Massachusetts already sends all […]

Freosion (2010-11-4)

Sometimes the correct word does not exist. A new word must be coined. It is often considered a protologism. Such a word can be found, definition and all, at Wiktionary. That word is the subject line and matter of this article. Freosion is a term that defines the gnawing away of our freedoms. This is […]

Solomon- Read all about it…. (2010-8-1)

Here is a link to the Civil Service Document. (As PDF document) Solomon Decision. Here is a link to the same article on the Civil Service Commission website. Decision. Scroll down the page to : Solomon, Joseph v. City of Methuen 7/29/10 Click and the PDF will open. This is the decision mentioned in the […]

What are Merit Principles? (2010-2-3)

The question was , What are Merit Principles? The United States Office of Personnel Management defines them as; SECTION 2301, TITLE 5, UNITED STATES CODE ——————————————————————————– § 2301. Merit system principles (b) Federal personnel management should be implemented consistent with the following merit system principles: (1) Recruitment should be from qualified individuals from appropriate sources […]

Personality Testing and Public Safety. (2010-1-5)

I ran across this article in a legal website. There were disclaimers, of course. Maybe this is one of the items that should be included in a pre-hire process for Public safety employees, police and fire. It could remove some of the nepotism claims bantered about. If we keep the results focused on trainability and retainability […]

Police reserves (2009-11-13)

Reading the local paper is not good for your heart. Today, front page, is an article entitled,”Still no new reserve police selections in Methuen “. Quoting from the article, Bowman noted that Lavigne testified at a previous hearing that police had a “business need” to pick 12 reserves, but almost three months after Bowman’s order […]

Police Chief (2009-10-28)

George Santayana (16 December 1863 in Madrid, Spain – 26 September 1952 in Rome, Italy), was a philosopher, essayist poet and novelist. Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, […]

Police and Quinn (2009-10-26)

I read this on the MASSCOPS website.  Re: Quinn Bill to be cut (and other PD money) Published: May 10, 2009 12:50 am Our view; Don’t stick communities with Quinn Bill costs “The Massachusetts Legislature finally may be ready to pull the plug on the police pay boondoggle known as the Quinn Bill. That’s great […]