This will be short. the subject has been literally beaten to death in the past few weeks. Though, I believe the City does have the ability to give the money back and sell the property. I also believe that a business could be placed there without violating any laws. Quick aside, someone stated that we […]
It is time for the City to live up to the rhetoric of Openness and Transparency. During this past campaign, a request was made to open the city books. Create a process and procedure that allows the Cities records, which for the most part are public records, to be posted on the City website. There […]
Today is Veterans Day. All the years that I worked, I never had this day off. It always seemed that non-vets got the time. They went to parades and relaxed. It bothered me, but I knew that veterans don’t enlist and serve for themselves. There is always on some level an unselfishness. Each Veteran served […]
I have a neighbor that “burns” cardboard to dispose of it. Another resident around the corner was discussing trash pickup with me and stated that the city doesn’t pick up cardboard. Seems these are two persons who misunderstand the City ban on cardboard. Maybe there are others, thus this column. The City, by State mandate, […]
Here are some articles worth reading or sites worth visiting. If you read or visit, please come back and leave a comment. Did you find them interesting or not. I’ll post all comments that are pro or con for opinions. The new issue of Business Week came out. The GDP Mirage Here’s a riddle: If […]
From the League of Women Voters of the Cincinnati Area. Elections present voters with important choices. Whether it is a local race that will affect your community or a national race that could change the direction of the country, elections are a time to consider the issues you care about and decide which candidate you […]
The playwrite, George M. Cohan once said “I don’t care what you say about me, as long as you say something about me, and as long as you spell my name right.†Well, I have been trying to blog on a regular basis, (not an easy thing for me). The subject matter is political in […]
Some one running for Mayor of Methuen is spending money and getting no results. This occured about 2-2:15 today. I answered the phone and was greeted by a person who had an accent. I could not place what type of accent, it was thick enough to recognize as belonging to someone whose native language was […]
How do you answer ‘What are the biggest mistakes you have made professionally’ in a job interview? I hear this question more and more in political debates (or forums). There appear to be no easy answers. Here is mine. I am a human being. I am not infallable. If you define a mistake as “a […]
What is the difference between a ward and a precinct? Someone asked me this as I drove through another town. The political signs in that town all had ward numbers and ward members listed. Truth was I wasn’t sure what the difference was. I assumed that by State law one could have a ward or a precinct. […]