I made this suggestion in 2010.
Never heard another word. No comment. No feedback.
Instead we continue to hold Special meetings every June to get the budget process done.
We are fast approaching another Fiscal whirlwind. Anticipation grows for the Special meetings called in June, each year.
Already we have seen the Council try to schedule around the July 4th holiday. Why not introduce this bill and then have an open discussion on it’s merit finalized by a vote… up or down, then move on.
Email on 01/08/2010, sent to my elected Councilors;
In the past few years there has been much confusion and many Special Meetings called in June in order to approve a budget per the Charter, Municipal Code and Massachusetts State Law.
I feel that part of the problem is the existing Municipal Code which states;
Section 2-1. Regular Meetings of the City Council
The City Council shall meet regularly on the first and third Mondays of each month, provided, however, that if the said first or third Monday shall fall on a legal holiday, then the City Council shall meet on the Tuesday night which follows such legal holiday. Provided further that in the instance where a City Council Meeting would otherwise, by this ordinance, be on the eve of a municipal primary, prliminary or regular election, then said meeting shall be set for the Thursday following said election. Meetings of the City Council shall be called to order promptly at 7:00 o’clock P.M. in the City office building, provided, however, that if conditions require it, the Chairman of the City Council may declare the meetings will be held at another place, with as much notice as conditions allow. During the months of June, July and August of each year, the regular meeting of the City Council shall be held on the first Monday of each month.
(1973 Ord., as amended by Ord. #2, June 1973;
as further amended by Ord. #496, Eff. December 1st, 1993;
as further amended by Ord. #499, Eff. January 4th, 1994; and
as further amended by Ord. #711, Eff. January 3rd, 2001, and
as further amended by Ord. #802)
I would like to recommend that since we are no longer an agrarian economy or agrarian culture in Methuen, we change the Code to have two (2) meetings in June, which is the last fiscal month of the year.
I am Proposing two (2) meetings on the first and last Monday of June. Then I have moved the July and August meetings to the third (3rd) Monday of the month. This effectively moves the Council meetings away from the July 4th conflict that we have seen.
Below please see my draft Ordinance;
WHEREAS: The Methuen Town Council in 1973, adopted Ordinance # 2, last amended by Order # 802 and;
WHEREAS: The Fiscal Year Budgetary process concludes in the Month of June each calander year and;
WHEREAS: It is in the best interest of the City of Methuen and of its citizens to further amend the same;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Methuen that Section 2-1, Subsection 1 of Chapter 2, of the Methuen Municipal Ordinance is hereby AMENDED as follows:
By deleting the last sentence there of being:
During the months of June, July and August of each year, the regular meeting of the City Council shall be held on the first Monday of each month.
and inserting in place thereof the following:
During the month of June the City Council shall meet regularly on the first and last Mondays of that month. During the months of July and August of each year, the regular meeting of the City Council shall be held on the third Monday of each month.
The remaining provisions of said Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect.
Thank you for your consideration. Any feedback is appreciated.