
The media has today reported that Governor Patrick claims 14,000 new jobs have been created from the so-called stimulus package.
This is reported at the same time that the unemployement rate ,again, increased in Massachusetts, to 9.1%.
The bottom line is that Job creation, real job creation, long term job creation is lagging sorely behind the layoff curve.
In the article, it was noted that Massachusetts received $4.3 Billion in stimulus money.
A simplistic look would assume that if you receive $4.3 Billion and create 14,000 new jobs, the cost of job creation is $307,142.86 per job. My guess is that we have not created 14,000 six figure jobs in Massachsetts.
If the median income in the state is about $42,062, then we should have been able to create 102,230 new jobs.
This is still woefully short.
The number of unemployed persons in the State is between 270,000 and 450,000, depending upon which data file one looks at and whether one counts the underemployed or not.
The Massachusetts minimum wage law sets a rate at $8 per hour for a 40 hour per week job. This is $320 per week. The stimulus money, at that rate of pay, would have created 13,437,500 new jobs. That is not a real solution either because most people today cannot live on that wage. But somewhere between these numbers is the possibility to create enough jobs to employ and support the currently un and underemployed population of the state.
All those who are now re-employed, I am happy for you but until the job creation rate can start to approach the number of unemployed we are still deeply in the woods and this means people are hurting. They are not being adequately supported by government policy and the money that is being spent may have been better spent. Maybe it could have been sent as a cash gift to each un or underemployed person. This would have been a windfall of $9,500 to $16,000 dollars per person. Sounds like a lot of money, and it is, but it would have been spent and stimulated , oops, there is that word again, the economy.
I am not advocating that as the correct method to use. I only offer it as one alternative that probably has a better chance of being a cost effective method to stimulate job growth.
There are many others. As many solutions as there are people to offer them. What are your solutions? Lets gather them together and send them to our elected officials and see if they can find a better means to get out of this mess.

Note: Please understand that the numbers above do not account for overhead and other expenses associated with job creation. They are examples only and assume a pure dollar for dollar transfer of funding to job growth. I understand that there are other factors involved.

28th Amendment to US Constitution

I receive, just as you do, lots of emails that are chain-letter types. I do not support chain letters and they all end with me.
However, I read them to see what they are about and sometimes I check into them for friends who send them to me.
I use to check veracity. They do an excellent job.

Here is a chain letter I received this week from a friend. She just said,” looks interesting, thought you should read”.

It is right up my alley.
I have stated and believe that Congress should not be exempt from any laws that they pass.
They likewise should pass law that includes and not exempts them.

The most recent example, health care.
Congress has debated and passed two versions of a Health care package.
The problem is, no matter which side of the debate you are on, they,Congress, are not recipients of this bill.
They still have some of the best health care in the world.
Either they should grant all americans the same health care that they get or they should get the same health care they are foisting upon us.

Here is the chain letter I received. read it and think about it.
It is a sentiment and not a reality.
We do not seem to have the legislators who rise to the “Profiles in Courage” level to propose this in the chambers.

This is such a simple thing to do. Read all the way to the end. I hope you see the value of the simple statement.

For too long we have been too complacent about the workings of Congress.
Many citizens had no idea that Congress members could retire with the same pay after only one term, that they didn’t pay into Social Security, that they specifically exempted themselves from many of the laws they have passed (such as being exempt from any fear of prosecution for sexual harassment) while ordinary citizens must live under those laws.
The latest is to exempt themselves from the Healthcare Reform that is being considered in all of its forms.
Somehow, that doesn’t seem logical.
We do not have an elite that is above the law.
I truly don’t care if they are Democrat, Republican, Independent or whatever.
The self-serving must stop.
This is a good way to do that.
It is an idea whose time has come.

Have each person contact a minimum of twenty people on their address list,
in turn ask each of those to do likewise.
Then in three days, most people in The United States of America will have the message.
This is one proposal that really should be passed around.

Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution:

“Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives; and,
Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States .”

MassDEP Notices

Found this section of the Mass DEP website. They list Orders and Consent Decrees issued during a year.

I sorted, using the Find function, by Methuen and this came up for last year , 2009.

2/18/09: MassDEP issued a Unilateral Order and $14,000 Penalty Assessment Notice to Kim’s Cleaners for Hazardous Waste and Air Quality violations in Methuen. MassDEP randomly selected and inspected the facility in September, 2007 as chosen by the Environmental Results Program. A Notice of Noncompliance was issued in October, 2007 due to air quality and hazardous waste violations observed during the inspection. A follow-up inspection determined that the violations were continuing at Kim’s Cleaners. An enforcement conference was held and a negotiated penalty determined in August 2008. Kim’s Cleaners, however, failed to sign a Consent Order with Penalty. As a result of the violations observed and the subsequent unsuccessful negotiation, MassDEP issued today’s actions to Kim’s Cleaners

This was the only address that came up on a Google Search for Kim’s Cleaners in Methuen.
Kim’s Cleaners
85 Swan St
Methuen, MA 01844-5048
(978) 685-4979

Then I located this one;

3/9/09: MassDEP executed a Consent Order with a $39,800 Penalty involving R & D Development Realty, LLC, for Wetlands violations off Howe Street in Methuen. The property is currently under development by R & D as a residential single and multi family subdivision with an 18-hole golf course.[Emerald Pines Golf Club] In August 2008, MassDEP found during a regular inspection (and a third party monitor) that insufficient stormwater and erosion controls had resulted in sedimentation to bordering vegetated wetland (BVW) at seven separate areas of the site. Additionally, a small amount of incorrect clear cutting and grading altered BVW in an additional area resulting with all BVW impact totaling 4,425 square feet. The violations also included non-compliance with a local permit (order of conditions) and a water quality certificate issued by MassDEP for this project. Today’s Order requires full restoration (some of which was immediately performed through removal of siltation) and long term monitoring. MassDEP has agreed to suspend $29,800 of the Penalty pending full compliance by 10/31/13.

The wetlands portion of the program is overseen by;
Wetlands Preservation, Inc. (WPI)
47 Newton Road
Plaistow, NH 03865
603 382-3435
and also at;
475 Ipswich Road
Boxford, MA 01921
978 352-7903
Fax: 603 382-3435

The President of WPI is Curtis R Young of Plaistow. He is a CERTIFIED Wetland SCIENTIST registered with the STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE Board of Natural Scientists.

This project will require six (6) wells ,[Word doc],to support the landscape of the Golf Course. Hope the wells will be properly documented and registered with the Board of Health.

Then there are two seperate notices for the Appleyards property

3/16/09: MassDEP executed a Consent Order with the city of Methuen for Waste Site Cleanup violations at 7 Lowell Street in Methuen. As owners of the property, the city has agreed to deadlines for submitting phased cleanup reports and a final response outcome. The site originally reported the gasoline release in 1991, and today’s enforcement action will lead to the cleanup of gasoline and fuel oil-contaminated groundwater and soil emanating from the removal of an underground storage tank and an above ground storage tank.

11/10/09: MassDEP entered into an Amended Consent Order with a $2,000 Penalty with the city of Methuen for Waste Site Cleanup violations at 7 Lowell Street in Methuen. As owners of the property, the city has agreed to cleanup requirements and MassDEP and the city have agreed to an extended timeline for a phase four remedy implementation plan. In addition, the city agreed to submit a final response action outcome statement to complete the cleanup of the site. This site has been in MassDEP’s release notification system since 1991. The property was a former trucking site.
Today’s enforcement action will lead to the final cleanup of gasoline-contaminated groundwater and soil at the site and construction of a park.

Must have misunderstood the city plans to put a parking lot there. Oh, the order is a typo. It meant construction of a park for cars.

Wouldn’t it be nice of the City to publish the extended timeline and the Implementation plan.

Are they people?

The United States Supreme Court, without the use of stem cells has created a new person.
What science has been unable to do and what so many have feared, since Mary Shelley,and Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus has come into existence.
Starbucks, Sears, Roebuck and Comcast or Verizon are now people.
They have the right of free speech.
In a decision, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission the Supreme Court has taken what normal people considered as an entity and what lawyers refer to as a person and given it life.
Only someone trained in the law could take a term that was used to compare a sole proprietorship and a corporate structure and imbue it with life.
Can a corporation now register to vote? Can it register for the draft when it reaches 18 years of age? Can a corporation be stillborn?
First, a corporation may, before the bar, be considered as a person, or single entity, but I wont perform any marriage ceremony for two of them to marry, no matter their inclination.
How far removed from reality must we get to consider money as a form of speech and then to take a comparative term, person, and breathe life into it.
If you do not see the logic in this Court decision, contact your Congress person and Senator.
You can contact MassPirg, Massachusetts Public Interest Research Group. They have a notice which you can sign onto about this decision.

Immigration ?Policy?

I was reading about immigration in the Lawrence Eagle Tribune. The article was written by an AP (Associated Press) writer. It is not on-line at the Tribune site but is at the Boston Herald. I noticed that there are all types of advocacy groups.

I began to find links to these groups and will provide them here.
Now you can review the groups site and get a better idea about issues affecting immigration.

An informed public is always the best course of action.
Massachusetts is home to around 1 million foreign-born residents, or 14 percent of the state’s population.
Here are some links;
Massachusetts Immigrants & Refugee Advocacy Coalition

Chelsea Collaborative

Berkshire Immigrant Center

Federation of American Immigration Reform, or FAIR

Massachusetts Coalition for Immigration Reform

There is a bill before the U.S. Congress dealing with Immigration reform.
The proposal seeks to legalize undocumented immigrants by requiring them to learn English, register with the federal government, pay a $500 fine for each adult, pass background checks and meet other requirements
It is called the Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America’s Security and Prosperity (CIR ASAP) Act of 2009 (H.R. 4321).
Lots of reading but can be viewed at; Text of H.R. 4321: CIR ASAP Act of 2009.

I am adding the following because women are a large group of immigrants and underserved. The article mentions this program and a quote from Carol Hardy-Fanta, director is included.
Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy, John W. McCormack Graduate School of Policy Studies, University of Massachusetts Boston.

Keep an open mind.

Should we provide in state tuition and driver licenses for undocumented immigrants?

Health success

In order for a municipality to succeed in “containing” it’s rising health care costs, it must take a holistic approach to it’s employees.
This does not mean offering a smorgasboard of services but offering services and incentives to the employee and their family members.
Business Week recently published an article about how Human Resource departments, in the private sector, are now realizing the gains to be achieved.
Similar gains can be achieved in the Public sector but it will require real management commitment and leadership.
Read the article here. [Health Care: Human Resources Targets Your Family]
Then contact your municipal representatives and ask them what they are doing to reduce costs and make the employee and their family more health conscious.
All steps to increase fitness and better nutritional programs have a positive impact on the expense side of the health care budget equation.

Jumping jacks, anyone?????

Just for fun

As seen on the Dr. Phil show.

Go to this website and “Take the test”

What animal are you?

Interesting results. Great conversation starter.

Vehicle Policy update

As is my wont, I was surfing the State webs when I came across this gem.
From the Massachusetts Department of Revenue.

Employer Provided Vehicle

Employers who provide their employees with cars (or other highway motor vehicles) must determine the actual value of the employees’ personal use of the cars. The value for personal use is considered a non-cash fringe benefit that must be included in the employees’ gross income.

An employer must determine the actual value of this fringe benefit to include in employees’ income.

The value may be determined by either of the following methods:
The actual value of the personal use of the car; or
The actual value of the car as if the employees used it entirely for personal purposes (100% income inclusion).
If an employer includes 100% of the value in employees’ gross income, employees may deduct the value of the business use of the car that is computed on U.S. Form 2106.

If a company vehicle is considered to be of limited personal value, determined by the IRS, such as an ambulance, hearse, school bus, police or fire vehicles, the personal use would not be subject to tax

So the question becomes, on top of any other questions about these policies, how is the City keeping track of the business use and personal use of City vehicles?
Is this value being reflected in the employees paycheck as a Fringe Benefit Cost?

The response from the City will, no doubt, be that no personal use exists.
Then I should not see the Mayor getting his breakfast and or morning coffee while driving a City owned vehicle. Isn’t driving to and from work a personal use?

Methuen Education Association

From the National Education Association website;
NEA’s Vision, Mission, and Values

Adopted at the 2006 NEA Representative Assembly
The National Education Association
We, the members of the National Education Association of the United States, are the voice of education professionals. Our work is fundamental to the nation, and we accept the profound trust placed in us.

Our Vision
Our vision is a great public school for every student.

Our Mission
Our mission is to advocate for education professionals and to unite our members and the nation to fulfill the promise of public education to prepare every student to succeed in a diverse and interdependent world.

Our Core Values
These principles guide our work and define our mission:

Equal Opportunity. We believe public education is the gateway to opportunity. All students have the human and civil right to a quality public education that develops their potential, independence, and character.

A Just Society. We believe public education is vital to building respect for the worth, dignity, and equality of every individual in our diverse society.

Democracy. We believe public education is the cornerstone of our republic. Public education provides individuals with the skills to be involved, informed, and engaged in our representative democracy.

Professionalism. We believe that the expertise and judgment of education professionals are critical to student success. We maintain the highest professional standards, and we expect the status, compensation, and respect due all professionals.

Partnership. We believe partnerships with parents, families, communities, and other stakeholders are essential to quality public education and student success.

Collective Action. We believe individuals are strengthened when they work together for the common good. As education professionals, we improve both our professional status and the quality of public education when we unite and advocate collectively.

NEA also believes every student in America, regardless of family income or place of residence, deserves a quality education. In pursuing its mission, NEA has determined that we will focus the energy and resources of our 3.2 million members on improving the quality of teaching, increasing student achievement and making schools safer, better places to learn.

The NEA is the National organization for Educators (Teachers). This group represents state wide groups, such as the Massachusetts Teachers Association.

The MTA is the state wide organization for educators in Massachusetts. A subset of this group is the Methuen Education Association.
This group will not share it’s constitution or by-laws with the public. I have made a request to the local representative, (president), and was told that these documents were private.
What do you think of the vision of the National Organization and how it is implemented at the local level?
Shouldn’t an organization that represents public employees be open with the public about how they are organized and run? I have not asked for their financial information or any internal documents that would harm their collective bargaining positions.
I requested the simple documents that make them an organization under the law and allow them to represent the teachers who provide an education to our children.

Solution found?

Received an email this morning. This was it’s content. Read, Think about and comment.
I have included a link to the original publication if you wish to verify this. This was edited and sent out as a chain letter.
The original idea was by a David Otterson of Largo Florida.

Dear Mr. President,

Please find below my suggestion for fixing America ‘s economy. Instead of giving billions of dollars to companies that will squander the money on lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan. You can call it the “Patriotic Retirement Plan”:

There are about 40 million people over 50 in the work force..
Pay them $1 million apiece severance for early retirement with the following stipulations:

1) They MUST retire. Forty million job openings – Unemployment fixed..

2) They MUST buy a new American CAR. Forty million cars ordered – Auto Industry fixed.

3) They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage – Housing Crisis fixed..

It can’t get any easier than that!!

P.S. If more money is needed, have all members in Congress pay their taxes…

Mr. President, while you’re at it, make Congress retire on Social Security and Medicare. I’ll bet both programs would be fixed pronto!

What a great idea!